YoungTEC Awards 2024

Do you have what it takes to be the next YoungTEC Rising Star or Emerging Leader? Applications will open in early May for these two highly contested awards.

About the Rising Star Award

If you have been working in the tourism industry for less than three years, have previously completed the YoungTEC Professional Development Programme or Master Class Series (new format of PDP) and feel you have contributed to your team, company and New Zealand’s tourism industry, then the Tourism Export Council encourages you to submit your application for the Rising Star 2024 award.

The winner of this award will receive complimentary registration to 2024 TECNZ Xmas Symposium and Icehouse Leadership Day. T&Cs apply.

About the Emerging Leader Award

If you’ve been working in the tourism industry for more than three years, participated in one or more of the YoungTEC Professional Development Programme or Master Class (new format PDP), attended an Icehouse Leadership Day and a Tourism New Zealand offshore trade event in the past, attended a TRENZ event or TECNZ Conference, then the Tourism Export Council encourages you to submit your application for the Emerging Leader 2024 award. This award recognises the outstanding efforts and contribution to the development of New Zealand’s tourism industry by a YoungTEC member.

The winner of this award will receive complimentary return flights supported by Air New Zealand. Accommodation for one week courtesy of TECNZ and one-week professional development placement in one of Tourism New Zealand’s offshore offices supported by TNZ. T&Cs apply.

Applications for both awards close on Friday 17 May 2024. Finalists will be announced on 13 June.  Finalists will need to be available for an interview the week of 17-23 June. The winner of both awards will be announced at the TECNZ Conference Awards evening on Wednesday 7 August 2024.

If you would like more information please contact 

Achievement Awards 2022

Achievement Awards were a one-off set of awards. They are to recognize and celebrate members that have been proactive in making a difference to their communities, implementing new sustainability initiatives across their business, and developing new visitor product and experiences during the pandemic period.


YoungTEC Emerging Leader – Congratulations!
Zac Watson, Maverick Digital Tourism Marketing

Over the past 2 years, Zac Watson has emerged as one of the New Zealand Tourism Industry’s most promising leaders. In a difficult time for all with the global pandemic, border closures and business unsettlement, Zac was able to provide leadership to those most directly affected, whilst adding value to the industry through his core employment positions.

Zac was elected chairperson of the Young Tourism Export Council (YoungTEC) in 2020 and re-elected in 2021. Membership organisations were acutely affected by the pandemic, with budget restrictions & member losses meaning providing value became of utmost importance, albeit with fewer resources than ever. Despite this, Zac lead the association’s board to pivot into a new way of thinking and executing, even adding to the annual events (outlined below) with a reworked core focus of connection for members. His influence on those under the age of 36 years of age, working in tourism, has largely contributed to those within the workforce choosing to stay within tourism.

  • Biweekly group virtual check ins with members randomly drawn and rotated from the nationwide database. This provided a secure place to brainstorm, but also meant members connected with those outside of their own immediate region.
  • A new partnership with New Zealand Māori Tourism (NZMT) which enabled capability building for members in Te Reo and Te Ao Māori.
  • A new membership structure, meaning that those displaced had a connection with the association and industry with the introduction of a social membership.
  • A total budget overhaul, YoungTEC had no income overnight.

Zac never fails to give back to those wanting to enter the tourism industry. He is a regular speaker at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), NZ School of Tourism (NZST) and International Travel College (ITC) where he has also sat on their advisory board for 3 years. Providing leadership in ensuring the qualification content is focused on real world industry issues and topics is something Zac is passionate about and does his upmost to make reality.

Finally, within his workplace, Zac champions leadership within the tourism industry. Throughout his time at Tataki Auckland Unlimited, Auckland’s RTO, he took a voluntary secondment to aid the delivery of the Tourism Transition Fund (TTF) leading a team of 4 advisors to ensure that $3.2 million was distributed to severely affected tourism businesses within the Auckland region within a tight timeline on behalf of central government. At Maverick Digital, his current employer, Zac is leading numerous initiatives to better connect and add value to the industry in the digital space, ensuring that operators are upskilled and able to full capitalise on a returning visitor economy.