The inaugural Qualmark 100% New Zealand Experience Awards have launched with a bang, with more than 80 registrations received from tourism operators across the country in the first two weeks.

The awards are designed to celebrate exceptional visitor experience offerings within the New Zealand tourism sector against the three award criteria of manaakitanga, tiaki and whānau.

Qualmark General Manager Gregg Anderson says the 100% Experience Awards celebrate the elements of New Zealand tourism that turn a holiday into a trip of a lifetime for our visitors while enriching New Zealand communities.

“Warm welcomes, genuine connections and care for people and place is what turns a Kiwi holiday into a trip of a lifetime for visitors. The 100% Experience Awards seek to recognise Qualmark members going above and beyond to create an outstanding experience for visitors and local communities alike,” says Mr Anderson.

The 100% Experience Awards are supported by Tourism New Zealand and Air New Zealand.

Air New Zealand’s Head of Sustainability Lisa Daniell says the airline is delighted to support the awards, which support and encourage sustainable tourism.

“Our vision is that tourism drives economic growth across New Zealand, while delivering an outstanding visitor and community experience and protecting our environment. The 100% Experience Awards are set to do just that by recognising tourism operators who show care for both people and place while offering exceptional visitor experiences,” says Ms Daniell.

The 100% Experience Awards follow the launch of Tiaki: Care for New Zealand, a tourism industry initiative to encourage travellers to care for people, place and culture while in New Zealand, for now and for future generations.

Registrations are open to Qualmark partners who hold the Gold Sustainable Tourism Business Award. Partners may enter a single, bookable product, experience or activity that best reflects their core business.

The product or experience must also align with the Tourism New Zealand brand promise of 100% Pure New Zealand, which is in its 20th year.

The 100% Pure New Zealand Experience Awards gala event will be held at Parliament in May 2019 with awards presented by the Minister of Tourism.

Winning businesses and their products will feature in premium inflight magazine Kia Ora, with monthly domestic and international readership of almost 400,000.

Qualmark Gold partners have until 5.00pm (NZST) 18 March 2019 to register their interest in the 100% Experience Awards. For more information, visit:



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